Simcity 3000 Unlimited/ Simcity 3000 Language patch:
By using this python script you will be able to change the language of your game to one
one of the following besides the default ones that came with you installtion:
-Portuguese Brazilian
Linux users: You will be able to easily change the language of the game as many times as you want without having to reinstall it
Python 2.7 script tested under Windows 10 64 bit and DeepinOS 15.5 64bit using Simcity 3000 Unlimited GOG Edition(Windows) and Simcity 3000 Unlimited Loki Games Edition(Linux) for our testing purposes.
Instructions to patch the game:
1: Make sure to install Simcity 3000/3000 Unlimited with English as the default language
2: Make sure python 2.7 is installed in your current Windows system
2.1: You can download Python 2.7 to your current OS to make this script run
3: Download my script
4:Place this python script in the same Res folder of Simcity 3000.
4.1:Windows version: Folder can be located in something like C\:GOG\Simcity 3000 Unlimited\Apps\Res
4.12:Linux version folder can be located in something like home\usr\SimCity3000 Unlimited\Res
5: Run the script( by left-clicking twice on it
5.5: Select one of the languages avaliable in the script menu
6: Enjoy running the game in your native tongue!